
When i was in the 7th grade a boy in my class kept bullying me. I always wondered what I was doing wrong. Then he started to pick on me in every class we had together. He stole my things and called me name. He also told me i was wothless and a piece of crap. The whole time I though it was all my fault. I thought i might as well kill myself to save people the pain of living with me. After the bullying got really bas so I told my parents. They called the school and my teacher was so happy i told someone. He stopped bullying me after. Then after that some girls that sat at the lunch table threw food at us. They made fun of us. We don't really branch out to people alot. I think they were getting bullied so they took their pain out on us. One was a guy and was like you all get your periods. Then they got in trouble.

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